January 24th 2014

I am simply blown away by what happened tonight. We popped into a random street café in the local town for a quick bite to eat. It was around 10pm and there were loads of men in this food place - some were eating and there were loads of blokes that were staff. As I was eating my yummy curry and roti I could fill my heart being filled with God’s love for all the waiters each time they would approach our table or walk past. I noticed one of the waiters had a limp. I wondered if Jesus was gonna heal him. Whilst my mama was paying the bill I found myself asking the man what had happened to his leg. He said he injured it in an accident six years ago. I asked if I could pray for him. He was resistant saying he'd tried all kinds of medicines and nothing had worked, plus, he said he had no money to pay me to heal him. I told him it was free, that it was Jesus who would heal him and he had nothing to lose either way. He agreed. I start praying and all the men in the restaurant have gathered round - there's easily 10-12 of them. I ask him if his leg feels any better he says yes most definitely. We pray again and he says there's even less pain than before and so we pray again and BAM Jesus totally heals him. The dude is gobsmacked. He is overjoyed. Speechless. He can move his leg in ways that he had been unable to do so for all these years. He's stretching and moving all over the gaff. Everyone is rejoicing.

I'm so excited to tell them that it’s not coincidence that we're here - that Jesus lovingly chose this restaurant because He wanted to heal this man...and because He wanted to reveal His love to all of them. No word of lie, you could literally feel God’s love hovering over these precious men. My heart rejoices when they ask so sincerely and with childlike hunger - for us to tell them about Jesus. They hold on to my every word as I share the gospel with them! When I ask them if any of them would like to receive Jesus into their hearts as their Lord THEY ALL SAY YES! Oh my gosh like all 10 of them!!! Haha! Come ON Jesus! I point to the idols that hang upon every wall of the restaurant and ask them if they are sincerely willing to renounce their Hindu faith and serve Christ alone. They all say YES! And right there in the café in unison they all say the sinner’s prayer and enter into the Kingdom of God. MINDBLOWING!!!! Smiles…Only in the Kingdom can you walk into a food outlet a complete stranger and walk out having inherited ten new brothers...for all eternity! Haha! I'm soooooo stoked - totally in awe of this beautiful God we serve. Grace is SO amazing! Love SO irresistible! X

India 2014 Series - Fast Track Adoption >